caminante haciendo camino
passion needs a warning
2004-02-26 | 11:54 a.m.

If you make a movie that results in the actual death of movie-goers, don�t you think you should put some sort of warning in the opening credits?

WARNING: This movie contains excessively graphic depictions of violence and brutality that may cause heart attack, aneurism, stroke, migraine, or other medical conditions, up to and including death. The viewer watches at his or her own risk.

I�m just saying. I think Mel Gibson�s legal advisors missed something here. A death-inducing movie should definitely have a warning and, for Mel�s sake, a very prominent disclaimer of all liability.

Listening To: Matchbox Twenty, "Unwell"
Reading: briefs, very boring legal briefs
Feeling: bemused

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