caminante haciendo camino
post-holiday bits
2004-12-28 | 7:57 p.m.

Christmas was a nice and relatively quiet affair. It was fun to watch Rianna open presents and enjoy all the trappings of the holiday. Mom and I bought her (among lots and lots of other things!) a super-cute Disney Princess tricycle. She loved it! Her favorite thing, though, was turning on all the musical Santa Clauses, at the same time, and dancing around the living room, while inciting everyone to �dance, dance!�

She�s nearly two now. She�s grown so big. And she�s so incredibly smart. Her vocabulary increases almost exponentially every week � in English, Spanish, and sign language. And. AND. She�s now telling us when she needs to go potty! Well, almost. She�s done it three times. But, still. That�s three less shitty diapers and three toilet-sittings closer to being potty trained. See? I told you she was month and one week short of her second birthday and already she�s tri-lingual and very-nearly-potty-trained.

Godiva chocolates are orgasmically delicious. Especially if you haven�t had sex in . . . well, in a hell of a long time. Hey. No snickering. It�s been so damn long that I�m willing to get my kicks any way I can...even if the chocolate-induced orgasms come with a bizillion calories.

Big news today. My first jury trial is scheduled for next month. Yikes! I still don�t know what the hell I�m doing in front of a judge, much less a jury. I�m sticking to my original plan of �faking it,� until I can feel a modicum of confidence in my abilities. Egads, though! A jury trial!

Listening To: a Gilmore Girls re-run
Reading: the Godiva chocolate guide
Feeling: blissful

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