caminante haciendo camino
weekend round up: the good and the bad
2004-05-24 | 3:29 p.m.


The Good: Meandering through my favorite independent bookstore, Changing Hands, for hours. Buying a couple of books. Buying a t-shirt with an Oscar Hijuelos quotation (�It�s simple. Books are good for you.�) from one of his book signings last year.

The Bad: Seeing the look of surprise/confusion/mild dismay that skitted across my Mom�s face when she saw that I was purchasing Scott Cunningham�s Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.


The Good: Troy. Brad Pitt�s ass was a fine thing to behold, but, truly Eric Bana as Hector was by far the best actor. Sure, the story wasn�t completely faithful to Homer�s Iliad. I�m not certain that any movie adaptation can ever be completely true to Homer�s epic. The biggest modification was the absence of the gods. I, for one, prefer that the gods be excised from the story, rather than to have a campy Xena-esqe version of the Greek pantheon. The only disappointment of the movie was the casting decision for Helen. That was not a face that could launch a thousand ships. Not only was she flat and uninspiring on screen, but Paris was objectively prettier.

The Bad:: The argument I had with my Mom and Yesenia because they were an hour and a half late for our originally scheduled movie time. For a chronic procrastinator, I am very punctual, and I get very irked when others aren�t. Yes, I realize that those two characteristics are seemingly contradictory. I, however, manage to balance them both quite well.


The Good: Finally dragging my ass back into the gym and getting it soundly whipped by Trainer Boy.

The Bad: The realization that donned at about 10 p.m. last night � that I had accomplished absolutely none of the work that I had to do this weekend. Nothing. Not a case read. Not a record reviewed. Not a word written. Nada. Consequently, I will be working at a break neck pace for the next 10 � days in order for me to finish all my projects before the Louisville trip.

* * *

A heartfelt GRACIAS goes out to leftunspoken for adding me as a favorite.

Listening To: "Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence
Reading: all that boring legal crap that I didn't read this weekend
Feeling: overwhelmed by work

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