caminante haciendo camino
this, that, and the other
2004-04-26 | 5:14 p.m.

The weekend was good. I got some shopping done on Saturday. On Sunday, the Mom and I went on a completely unplanned closet-purging quest. It was madness. Between two closets, three dressers, and a cabinet in the garage, we bagged up 4 � bags of clothes to donate to the next lucky charity that calls for a pick up. So, yeah, I bought about $1000 dollars worth of clothes on Saturday, and gave away about $2500 worth of clothes on Sunday. And, yes, in my world, this made perfect sense.

The weekend�s shopping and purging madness was interspersed with some decent movie breaks. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton is actually much better than the uninspired title would lead you to believe. The Secret of Roan Inish is old-fashioned storytelling at its best. Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her is an interesting compilation of the inter-related stories of a diverse group of women whose greatest feature is its outstanding cast.

As usual, the weekend sped by much too quickly and I only managed to accomplish a fraction of what needed to get done. But, despite my best efforts, there�s no stopping Monday from coming back around again.

I tried something new today. I actually did work first, then wrote the day�s journal entry. How novel.

Despite the morning�s experiment in prioritizing work over journaling, the massive amounts of work that still need to be done have not decreased appreciably. In case any one is keeping track of my �to do� list, I still have three opinions to write and three new cases to prepare for the next calendar. Shitloads, people. Three opinions and three bench memos equal shitloads of work.

So, yeah, I�m updating instead of shoveling the shitloads of work on my desk.

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No news on Project Get a Damn Job. As I mentioned, I didn�t get everything accomplished this weekend that I had intended to do. Part of the weekend�s unrealized intentions were the applications for the county prosecutor�s office that didn�t get filled out and the resumes that didn�t get submitted to the state attorney general�s office. Damn. I have to do this soon. I know that the remainder of my clerkship is going to fly by. I need to get the job situation settled soon.

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I thought this op-ed summarized the incongruities of Bushworld quite nicely.

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It really shouldn�t surprise me that a teenager�s anti-Bush artwork earned him an audience with the Secret Service. But the state of civil liberties these days is something that should worry the hell out of us.

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As an Arizonan, I�d be remiss if I didn�t pay homage to a fallen hero. I don�t know much about his football game, nor do I know his reasons for choosing military service over a multi-million sports contract, but what I do know is that Pat Tillman made that choice, and that he died for that choice. At the very least, he deserves an honorable mention in my little corner of cyber-space.

Listening To: Mana, "Pobre Juan"
Reading: nothing, the boring legal crap has been read and i'm ready to go home
Feeling: strangely cheerful for a monday

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