caminante haciendo camino
trendy bar is a bust
2004-01-25 | 2:25 p.m.

A cursory glance around the darkened bar revealed that fake breasts and blond extensions were most surely a requisite for any female seeking admittance. I�m not sure how in the hell MM and I got in, but there we were.

After a long day of working, yet making dreadfully little progress, we went out to grab a pizza and a beer before deciding whether we had the willpower to head back to our desks for a few more hours of work.

Mid-pie is when the legal eagles from down the hall called us and asked us to meet them for a drink. I had never been to this place, and I�m quite certain I�ll not be returning.

The place was horrible. Besides the Barbie clones, there were the unremarkable and oddly homogenous males, in about a 5:1 female to male ratio. The music was so loud we were forced to read lips and odd hand signals in order to carry on what was a miserably failed attempt at conversation. The drinks were unjustifiably expensive. I probably could have fed and clothed a malnourished child in a third world country for a month on what I spent on two drinks.

All in all, the evening would have been better spent if I�d come back to the office and worked. How sad is that?


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