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duty calls
2004-01-07 | 5:06 p.m.

I�m at work, but not exactly working. It�s this damn cold, you see. The head feels as if it�s set to implode any minute now, the eyes are burning, the nose is leaking, and, to round things out, the hacking cough has recently put in an appearance. I made a run to the drug store at lunch. Although the meds have slightly reduced the pressure in my skull, cold medicine does not make for lucid legal analysis.

But, as you�ve probably learned by now, my journal entries do not necessarily require either a sharp mind or a quick wit. Incoherent ramblings will do just fine. So, yes, your tax dollars are being put to good use here at Diaryland.

Two unproductive days in a row, however, do not bode well for my ability to enjoy a work-free weekend. I have two opinions and four bench memos to write in the next 2 � weeks. No, I don�t think I�ll be languishing in free time in the foreseeable future.

But far be it from me to allow an unrelenting cold, mind-fogging medications, or the demands of an ever increasing in-box to keep me from offering moral support to the lovelorn. To Yesenia�s rescue I will come this evening, armed with rocky road ice cream, assorted chocolates, and ample supplies of alcoholic beverages. And, no, it�s not hedonistic debauchery that awaits me this evening, but, rather, a weighty familial duty. Really, I�m expecting to receive no enjoyment from the free-flowing chocolate and wine. This cheering up the bereft is serious business, I tell you!

The downside of a sugar high in combination with a hangover is probably going to result in yet another unproductive day tomorrow. So before we drown Yesenia�s sorrows in chocolate and wine, I really should get some work done.



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